Common Questions About Iboga

What is possible in a 10 - Day Retreat? What is a Psycho-Spiritual Journey?

Iboga interrupts physical and psychological addictions, rewires neurological connections, and thus provides one the capacity to make new and better choices to live the life you want and do what you love.

The initial effects of Iboga are detoxifying for the body, removing somatic pain and releasing toxins. It begins to gradually detox the mind, healing negative memories and helping you process them so they no longer hurt you.

Deep levels of the plant experience, such as a “psycho-spiritual journey”, are more often available in later ceremonies. They can open the third eye, provide a deep soul connection, communicate with ancestors & loved ones who have passed on, and experience a healing life review. Also, a powerful benefit can include the ability to ask questions about one’s life, relationships, career, future possibilities, and the world we live in to gain greater insights.

Iboga prompts the body and mind to self-regenerate and heal from various illnesses and injuries. There have been reports of people healing from arthritis, infertility, skin diseases, digestive disorders, hepatitis, reproductive problems, and a wide range of psychological conditions. Iboga activates the body’s capacity to heal and on a deeper level promotes personal authentic self-development and awareness.

Is it Safe?

For the vast majority of people, pure Iboga given by a trained Iboga provider is 100% safe. A proper medical assessment is required to assess if Iboga is right for you.

To ensure your safety, we require an EKG and a liver panel test. Our Iboga provider is properly trained and initiated from an authentic 10th generation Bwiti Shaman who has been practicing safely for over 20 years. We combine the ancient wisdom’s success with modern medical support and testing to ensure safety.

Why a 10 - Day Retreat?

Often the first one to two Iboga experiences are for detoxification of the body and mind, and the deeper psycho-spiritual journeys happen on the 2nd and/or 3rd

ceremony. A 3rd ceremony increases the likelihood of a spiritual discovery, wherein we can ask deeper questions about our life and learn more about ourselves.

Most Iboga retreats offered online are 6-8 days; some are even 3, allowing only 1-2 ceremonies. We seek to support a full and deep healing and discovery experience, with best possible outcomes. We would rather go the extra mile to have more powerful results.

What is the difference between Iboga & Ibogaine?

Iboga that is harvested in the traditional ceremonial way in Gabon preserves the spirit of the plant and all its benefits: physically, psychologically, and spiritually. Ibogaine is just one specific alkaloid chemically extracted from Iboga. It is commonly used in drug detox therapies under medical supervision. The Iboga plant medicine is the pure raw root bark without any chemical alteration or extraction.

Although both are used for addictions with a very high success rate, Iboga root goes deeper to the root of issues, beyond the physical level. It has been used for many thousands of years in ceremony, connecting to the spirit and tradition, and thus aids in powerful healing on multiple levels, physically, psychologically, and spiritually.

How do I know if my health condition would allow me to do a ceremony?

The safety and good health of our participants is a priority for us. Thus, a health intake form is used to asses each individual situation. We work directly with doctors to analize each case, obtain EKG and liver/kidney panel tests and take appropiate steps to assist your individual needs

is Iboga like Ayahuasca?

Iboga and ayahuasca are both amazing but very different plant medicines. Iboga provides a powerful physical and mental reset, carves new neuropathways, and allows us to shift any patterns or habits so we can create our life aligned and fulfilled. Ayahuasca is a vine with feminine energy that spirals our awareness outwards with cosmic knowledge and interconnectedness. Iboga is a tree root bark that has both masculine and feminine energies. Iboga takes us to the root of ourselves, bringing us inwards to our core personal truths, exploring our past, present and potential futures, and guiding us to release and heal anything holding us back in this life.

To connect to the web of all life, attune to universal vibrations, explore past lives, and other realities: Ayahuasca
To experience a powerful reset, heal past trauma and conditioning, connect to your deep truths and purpose, dissolve fear, and find present moment peace and joy in this life: Iboga

  • Gabon, Africa
  • Alkaloid
  • Masculine & Femenine
  • Root Bark
  • Internal Journey: meditative, introspective, immobile
  • Experience of going deeper
  • Earth-based energy
  • No required diet prior
  • Peak effects 12-18 hours
  • Relates to truth in this life. Resets conditioned patterns, addictions, and self-sabotaging behaviors.
  • Supports grounded experiences: visuals (if there) commonly involve people/scenes that are relatable
  • Insights can be well integrated. Relates to life experiences and what we must do to heal
  • Ayahuasca
  • Amazon Rain Forest, South America
  • Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
  • Feminine
  • Vine
  • External Journey: expressive, vocal, mobile
  • Experience of going farther
  • Universal energy
  • Strict diet prior
  • Peak effect 6-8 hours
  • Relates to cosmic truths and reattunes the heart to universal love
  • Supports ethereal experiences: visuals beyond this dimension, other-worldly encounters, sacred geometry
  • Insights can be more difficult to integrate. Relates to cosmic truth that aren’t always easily translatable to Earth-based frequency/language
  • Masculine & Femenine
  • Root Bark
  • Internal Journey: meditative, introspective, immobile
  • Experience of going deeper
  • Earth-based energy
  • No required diet prior
  • Peak effects 12-18 hours
  • Relates to truth in this life. Resets conditioned patterns, addictions, and self-sabotaging behaviors.
  • Supports grounded experiences: visuals (if there) commonly involve people/scenes that are relatable
  • Insights can be well integrated. Relates to life experiences and what we must do to heal
  • Ayahuasca
  • Amazon Rain Forest, South America
  • Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
  • Feminine
  • Vine
  • External Journey: expressive, vocal, mobile
  • Experience of going farther
  • Universal energy
  • Strict diet prior
  • Peak effect 6-8 hours
  • Relates to cosmic truths and reattunes the heart to universal love
  • Supports ethereal experiences: visuals beyond this dimension, other-worldly encounters, sacred geometry
  • Insights can be more difficult to integrate. Relates to cosmic truth that aren’t always easily translatable to Earth-based frequency/language
  • I heard that Iboga can assist with healing any mental health condition, is it true?

    There are testimonials of Iboga assisting to heal anything from anxiety, depression, anhedonia, bipolar, BPD, multiple personalities, concussions, traumatic brain injury, PTSD from veterans of war, psychosis and more.

    Please contact us to see how we can assist you.

    I’m looking for help for my teenager, is there an age restriction?

    A full dose ceremony can be given from 12 years old and no upper limit. This medicine is so safe that traditionally in Gabon children are introduced to it at a much younger age. As well, Iboga is also given as part of coming-of-age ceremonies for the youth.

    In the West, there are many testimonies of children being given Iboga and Ibogaine to help heal various traumas, mental health conditions, and addictions.

    What is a ceremony Like?

    In traditional ceremonies there is a Bwiti Fire Circle where the wisdom of the Bwiti is shared. The Bwiti-trained provider opens the ceremony and performs clearing and protection rituals for the ceremonial space and the participants. The provider, in connection with the spirit of Iboga, determines the amount of Iboga, customized for each individual.

    As guests begin to feel the effects of the plant medicine, they are guided to nearby individual mattresses in the ceremonial space. Participants are given a blanket and eye mask, which helps to go more deeply within.

    Traditional Bwiti music is played during the night, which supports connecting to the spirit of the plant medicine. During the retreat, especially the period of integration after ceremony, it is beneficial to abstain from cell phone use, reading books, and listening to news and music. Take advantage of the retreat to allow yourself the space to truly heal and receive all the realizations and benefits the plant has for you. You are welcome to journal your experience.

    How do I Prepare for a Retreat?
  • Arrange practical matters, such as work, bills, appointments, etc., so that during your retreat you can be fully present and stay offline. Let anyone who may want to contact you know about your retreat dates.
  • Although a specific diet is not necessary, it is recommended to cultivate a clean diet and lifestyle as you prepare for your Iboga experience. Best to avoid sugar and processed foods.
  • Psychiatric medications need to be stopped at least 2 months prior. Please consult your doctor regarding options to stop. Reach out to us if you have any questions. We work with doctors to assist in the transition.
  • Fill out registration form, ensuring to inform about any drug issues, prescription medication, and health challenges.
  • Mental
  • Reflect on intentions and write any questions you have for the medicine.
  • Practicing meditation and other activities that bring your attention inwards are a great way to prepare for the Iboga experience.
  • Be open to what the plant medicine reveals.
  • Have a call with us to check in how you’re doing and ask any questions.
  • Although a specific diet is not necessary, it is recommended to cultivate a clean diet and lifestyle as you prepare for your Iboga experience. Best to avoid sugar and processed foods.
  • Psychiatric medications need to be stopped at least 2 months prior. Please consult your doctor regarding options to stop. Reach out to us if you have any questions. We work with doctors to assist in the transition.
  • Fill out registration form, ensuring to inform about any drug issues, prescription medication, and health challenges.
  • Mental
  • Reflect on intentions and write any questions you have for the medicine.
  • Practicing meditation and other activities that bring your attention inwards are a great way to prepare for the Iboga experience.
  • Be open to what the plant medicine reveals.
  • Have a call with us to check in how you’re doing and ask any questions.
  • How many people participate in the ceremony?

    In order to provide the best care and be able to accommodate friends who want to experience the benefits of the medicine together, we accept small groups of four to seven people.

    May I have a private or group ceremony at a location of my choice?

    Yes! We can travel to you or to a location of your choice, please contact us to arrange your private or group ceremony if you have a small group that would like to experience the benefits of Iboga.

    What Will I feel like?

    Iboga doesn’t make you feel “high”, in the way other plant medicines are known to do. During a ceremony you are aware of yourself and grounded in the environment.

    As you relax and listen to the music, certain insights, ideas, realizations may come into your awareness. It is common for images, like on a movie screen, to pass through, which can convey insights and messages. There may be an opportunity to have a guided spiritual journey in which the provider helps to gain deeper insights into patterns, questions, and spiritual truths.

    If I feel sick in the ceremony can someone assist me?

    Yes! You will be under nurturing and loving care at all times during this sacred ceremony. Our provider/s have been trained to assist in any situation from getting you tissue or a glass of water or counselling, to reducing the effects of the medicine and/or fully canceling all effects of the medicine in a fast and efficient manner if needed.

    During the ceremony it is normal to feel a bit dizzy and possibly purge when detoxifying the body. In addition, we also have support available from professional doctors if needed. Normally people have a very powerful positive ceremony as expressed in the testimonials.

    Cancellation Policy: What happens if you need to cancel?

    As there are many costs involved in reserving and preparing a retreat center, and we hold limited space for a more personal retreat experience, retreat payments are non-refundable. In the case of a medical emergency, please contact us as soon as possible. We will do our best to transfer your spot to someone else, and thus provide you a credit for a future date. To process this transfer, we will require information to verify the case. If a transfer is not possible, the payments made will be non-refundable. Please contact us as soon as possible if there is an emergency so we can have the time to do our best to assist
    By Email:
    By Phone: Toll Free: 1 (877) 7MY-IBOG / 1 (877) 769-4264
    WhatsApp +52 (322)-120-4629

    Cancellation Policy: What happens if We need to cancel?

    We never plan to cancel. If there is the unlikely event of an emergency (such as natural disaster, dangerous weather, political upheaval, etc), we will refund you any deposits or payments you have made for the retreat. We cannot compensate for airfare or other travel costs. To cover for these costs, we highly recommend the purchase of travel insurance.

    What Should I Bring to the Retreat?
  • Reusable water bottle.
  • Comfortable clothing.
  • Natural bug repellent.
  • Natural sun protection.
  • Hat, sunglasses.
  • Toiletries.
  • For spiritual shower bring swimsuit or undergarments you can leave behind.
  • Notebook for journaling (leave reading books at home).
  • Hiking shoes and sandals.
  • Natural bug repellent.
  • Natural sun protection.
  • Hat, sunglasses.
  • Toiletries.
  • For spiritual shower bring swimsuit or undergarments you can leave behind.
  • Notebook for journaling (leave reading books at home).
  • Hiking shoes and sandals.
  • Got any more questions?